Giulia Nespoli is an Italian multidisciplinary designer and visual artist based between Seoul and Milan. Her work explores the intersection of computational methods, deep narratives, and aesthetic expression, resulting in projects that blend design and interactive audiovisual experiences.
After earning a degree in Industrial Product Design from the Politecnico di Milano, she was awarded the Global Korea Scholarship, allowing her to complete a Master's in Product and Space Design at Seoul National University. During her time at SNU, she collaborated with the Laboratory of Autonomous Robot Intelligence, curating the design of robotic projects.
With a synesthetic perception of colors, textures, and patterns, she has cultivated a strong sensitivity for visual composition, shaping her ability to create harmonious and immersive experiences. Following a “learning by doing” approach, she continuously expands her skill set to embrace a holistic understanding of design.
Her practice spans innovative products, art installations, audiovisual performances, robotics, food design, fashion accessories, interiors, graphics, websites, virtual characters, and brand identities. She exhibited as a guest artist at the 2021 Gwangju Design Biennale and contributed to the design of the 2023 edition under the guidance of space curator Simone Carena.
Currently, she focuses on creating audio-reactive visuals and developing interactive performances in collaboration with sound artists and theater collectives. As a visual artist and VJ, she performed live at events such as PERMIT, Ceiling Service, Eyeseoul, PlanetTurbo, Teller Seoul, Casa degli Artisti, and Live Elettronica.

PUBLICATIONS & Exhibitions
2023  Meet & Eat Installation, Meet Gimbap Sculpture
Gwangju Design Biennale 2023 “Meet Design” | EXHIBITION CATALOG
2023  Pupella Project for University of Basel ft. MOTOElastico
디자인 - Monthly Design Magazine | ARTICLE
2021  Analogic VJ set, SunLight Eyewear, DigiDub Sunglasses
Gwangju Design Biennale 2021 “D-Revolution” | EXHIBITION CATALOG
2021  A Robotic Dating Coaching System Leveraging Online Communities Posts
2021 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) | PAPER
2020  A Case Study on Rhetoric Figures as Potential Tools for Designing Emotionally Enriched Products
한국기초조형학회 - Korea Society of Basic Design and Art | RESEARCH PAPER
2020  SunLight Eyewear
Art & Life, KSBDA international Special Exhibition | EXHIBITION CATALOG
2020  DeForma Collapsible Chair
2020 KSBDA Spring International Invitational Exhibition | EXHIBITION CATALOG
2019  MOTOelastico builds Scroll, a fiberglass plastic spiral in a Seoul art park
www.designboom.com | ONLINE ARTICLE

2016  Design for Mediterranean Emergency
Nautech Magazine | ARTICLE
Master of Arts (M.A.) - Product Design
GKS Scholarship Winner
Korean Language Certification
Excellence award
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Industrial Product Design
110 cum laude

3D Modeling [Rhinoceros, Autodesk, Blender]
Audio-reactive Visuals [Touchdesigner]
Digital Fabrication Tools [3D Printer, LaserCutter, CNC..]
Graphic Design [Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign]
Parametric Design [Grasshopper]
Presentation Design [PowerPoint]
Publishing [InDesign]
Real-time interactive design [Touchdesigner]
Rendering [Keyshot, Rhinoceros, Touchdesigner]
Video editing [PremierePro]
User Experience (UX) Design Tools

Aesthetic Sensibility
Creative Strategic Planning
Innovative Design Thinking
Styling Aptitude
Attention to Detail
Material and Color Expertise
Client Vision Understanding
Project Management
Fast Learning Ability
Multicultural Knowledge

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